Im_flieger SUPPORTS 2019 // summary

Foto: Felix Kaya

Im_flieger stellte ausgewählten Projekten (kurzfristig) Arbeitsraum Im_flieger@Bräuhausgasse und Technik zur
Verfügung, sowie optional künstlerisches/technisches/logistisches Coaching.

What’s the difference? // Cat Jimenez + Maiko Sakurai Karner
11.-15.1.2019 // brut im Atelier Augarten Raum 2 im Rahmen von Imagetanz 2019 // Performance

‚What’s the difference?‘ is a hybrid format between exhibition and dance, told from the perspective of Asians
raised in Austria. In this open space, Cat Jimenez and Maiko Sakurai Karner explore their personal Eurasian
dualism. The misunderstanding evoked by the terms “submissiveness” and “respect” and the discrepancy between
individual and collective perception are only two examples of intercultural misinterpretation. This conflict
– the reality experienced by Asians in the west, little recognised by the public – marks the basis of this multidisciplinary
medley. As Cat Jimenez and Maiko Sakurai Karner guide the audience on a journey through their
artistic works of the past, the present and the future, they will encounter bipolar tendencies, cultural hierarchies
and everyday racism.

GLOWING current moods // Sophia Hörmann
12.-20.1.2019, 26.1.2019 // brut im Dschungel Wien im Rahmen von Imagetanz 2019 // Performance

Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kontrolle und Ekstase wird die Beziehung zwischen Sein und Imagination zum
rutschigen Balanceakt. In ihrer vom Eiskunstlauf inspirierten Solotanzperformance zeigt Sophia Hörmann einen
Körper, der sich der Illusion von Veränderung hingibt und sich das ultimative „Glow“-Erlebnis erhofft, nur um
letzten Endes der eigenen Gewöhnlichkeit etwas Ungewöhnliches zu verschaffen.

Laute Frauen (Women out loud) // Veza Fernandez, Clara Frühstück
25.1.2019 // MuTh Vienna

DOG_MEN // Daniel Aschwanden
27.1.2019 / Maskenbau // 2.2.19 / Vorbereitung für Ritual // Installation, Masken & Wunsch
Währungsworkshop // Lecture

Zum Abschluss des chinesischen Jahres des Hundes setzt der Performer und Choreograph Daniel Aschwanden
seinen Performance Zyklus „DOG_men neue Körper, Mythen und die Stadt“ fort.

A Queer Desire Manifesto // Eleonora Ciani, Marcus Fisch, Lena Kühleitner
2.-7.4.19 // Performance am 15.4.2019 bei Raw Matters im Schikaneder Kino

Belle Etage Streettheater
15.4.2019 // 17.00-21.00 // Movement Research Lab für Akrobat_innen / freie Spende

Improvising Bodies & Dance Making Minds // Kimberley McIntyre (AU) & Susanne Martin (DE)
13.5.-17.5.2019 // Sa. 18.5.2019 // 11.00-14.00 // informal showing & brunch

During the 4-week collaborative project Improvising Bodies & Dance Making Minds Kimberley McIntyre and Susanne Martin will exchange and support each other in their current artistic/research endeavors.
Susanne is currently wondering, pondering and experimenting how improvisation practice can be
fruitful for learning processes in a technical university. During their collaborative time she wants to work with Kimberley on artistic dissemination-formats that specify and activate the potentials and complexities of applying dance improvisation as learning tool within higher education. Kimberley’s ongoing research into improvisation and performance takes shape through
her evolving methodology ‘Curious Body’. Current themes focus on embodiment practices & task based scores and how they overlap in order to experience dance making in solo & group settings. As a maker Kimberley expands her interest by seeking sitespecific opportunities and exploring relationships that gives rise to character development. This time with Susanne is an opportunity to explore physically and mentally by writing about her practice in the form of a They will start by attending some improvisation-based classes and workshops. The shared experience of these propositions will sharpen the discussion around
their respective interests and practices of improvisation. They then will take time for their own creative studio practice at Tanzfabrik Berlin and Im_flieger Wien.

Baby // ANGER // Musikvideoclip
So. 19.5.2019, 8.-9.6.2019 // Bräuhausgasse 40/Souterrain, 1050 Wien // Videodreh

Gewinner des FM4/Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2020 – Gratulation!

Processing I // Loulou Omer (IL/AT)
9.-20.8. & 21.-25.10.2019 // Recherche zu: I, The Other and the Artistic Being